Smith’s Blur Generator

4th Level Illusion

Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Self
Components: V S M (a tiny bell and a piece of fine silver wire)
Duration: Concentration, Up to 8 hours
Classes: Artificer, Circle of The Land (desert), Oath of the Watchers, Ranger, Sorcerer, The Genie, The Hexblade, Wizard.

Your body becomes blurred, shifting and wavering to all who can see you. For the duration, any creature has disadvantage on attack rolls against you. An attacker is immune to this effect if it doesn’t rely on sight, as with blindsight, or can see through illusions, as with truesight.

At Higher Levels: If you spend at least 3 points to cast this, your magic protects your allies within an area, they will also recieve the effects of this spell, provided they stay within range. The range is 10ft cube per 2 points spent.